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Day 1: The City That Never Sleeps

This is a recap of my trip to New York City with O'More College of Design. This is day one of my trip and things had started off great! No wait at the airport during security, THAT'S A FIRST, quick and easy flight. Once we got into the city we checked into our hotel, grabbed a snack, and hit the streets. First stop, Metro Pass. I am all about some walking, but unlimited access to the subway sounds much better to me. The next important

thing is familiarizing ourselves with the closest Starbucks, I mean coffee is very important. Luckily, we had a starbucks on each end of our block, I love New York. It was low key evening of shopping in Soho and all meeting up for dinner. Myself and some friends broke away from the group while window shopping. Found some really cool shops with great displays and interesting merchandising. The wall of vintage sewing machines was to die for. If I ever stumble into some money definitely doing that in my studio/office!

As my group was making our way to the restaurant my cell phone died, wasn't a big deal, expect we were using it to get directions. We tried using another girl's phone, but the directions were not the same. Best choice we made was getting a taxi! Cell phones dying became an issue for all of us the entire trip. Dinner was at an Italian restaurant named Chelsea. It was very fitting since it was a close friend's birthday by the name of Chelsea just the day before that was on the trip. Dinner was amazing, and especially dessert. Who doesn't love tiramisu?!?

After dinner we went back to the hotel to unwind and do some relaxing. The next day was a busy day of being a tourist in NYC. There was a lot of walking ahead of us and some rainy weather. We needed our beauty sleep.

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