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Day 6: Frida in the Bronx

We woke on day 6 with an almost empty day ahead of us! We had a list of things to accomplish and we weren't slowing down. First stop Mood Fabrics! I got some fabric I needed for my Junior Collecton "Pockfetful of Posies," that I am currently working on and some awesome buttons. Other girls also got some much needed fabric.

Then we hopped on the subway and headed north to the Bronx. Why are we going to the Bronx you ask, well Frida Kahlo is in the Bronx. Currently at the Botantical Gardens a Frida exhibit is in there. We got to tour her gardens in the conservatory, and see some of her work in a gallery set up at the library. Frida's work is exceptional and the gardens were even more beautiful than the ones I saw in Central Park. The colors were great! We even ate lunch at an authentic taco truck. Best lunch I have had in New York, and right behind the dinner at the Indian restaurant. We had a slight adventure leaving the Bronx. We ended up at a train station instead of the subway station. I can offically say I have been on a train now! I understand why Jennifer Lopez left the Bronx, girl you no longer have to be Jenny from the block, we won't judge. I am glad you got out.

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant complete with churros for dessert! After our early dinner we headed over to see the broadway performance of Lion King. Lion King is a childhood classic, and it was great to see live. The costuming was breathtaking. I am very glad I was able to have that experience while I was in New York.

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