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Internship Madness

The moment you realize you have only a handful of months left until graduation, anxiety starts creeping in. You still have that internship credit needing to be completed, and have no idea who is going to let you under their wing. Working for free usually puts a wrench into your plans, when will I have time to fit this into my already crazy schedule. Contrary to what I keep telling myself, I really do need to sleep. Crazy thought, I know. For me pushing my internship until after the spring semester makes the most sense. I will have all the time in the world to work and intern. Well, more time than I have, and it will seem like all the time in the world. By my doing this, I will walk during graduation, but will not actually receive my diploma until after I complete my internship hours. That puts a lot of pressure on finding one, having it lined up, and going smoothly. This girl needs to graduate.

I have been research, and found some possibilities! The one I have my heart set out on one in particular, Urban Outfitters. URBN, has tons of internships for all of their companies. You can only apply to one though. Looking at all of the possibilities I have decided the Urban Outfitters Women's Apparel Design Internship is the most fitting for what I want to be doing post graduation. URBN requires a project for application. These projects are insane. So much is required, but I completely understand why they do it. These projects weed out all the ones not wanting to put too much effort into. Also, the directions are specific; yet, confusing at times. You really have to read everything careful, and think about it because a lot can go wrong. Luckily, I have wonderful professors around me to help with any questions and give my guidance through the process.

So here is what I am doing:

-Researching trends for A/W 2016

-Studying the Urban Outfitters customer

-Design a concept board

- Choose to focus specifically on either Knit or Woven women’s apparel

-The board should touch upon trending fashion silhouettes, pattern direction, and color palette. Please include image tears, trims, fabric qualities, knit downs, and/ or anything relevant

-Pull one idea from the concept board and create 5 hand-drawn figure sketches (front and back) based around this idea to demonstrate research abilities, ability to develop a concept, as well as artistic hand

I created the board and had a concept laid out. I met with a professor to receive feedback. It was decided to redo my board and go more specific with my illustrations. It is all about trial and error to get the final product you want. Goal is to finish everything in a few days, and meet back up to get feedback again at the beginning of the week. I want everything sent in before Thanksgiving. Good luck to me!!

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