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Where did summer go?!

Wow it has been about two months since my last blog post. Time has flown, and this summer was crazy! This summer I started and completed my Junior Collection at O'More College of Design. It was a whirlwind of highs and lows. I feel very accomplished knowing how far I can push myself and learned a lot about my strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of the things I learned over the summer:

1) When you find a fabric you want, don't think about it. BUY IT THEN! I was sitting in the New York airport going to purchase my fabric online it was gone. I couldn't believe it! It was just there last week when I decided that was what I wanted. I was frantic and stress eating twizzlers as I was searching everywhere for it. I ate a whole bag of twizzlers. Not my finest moment. Good news I found a small amount, and everything worked out in the end.

2) Take other people's input into consideration, but at the end of the day you have to please yourself as a designer. Go with your gut. I had a lot of mixed feedback about my concept and fabric choices. I chose to scale back and simplify. This might have been the best option, but I wished I would have kept with my original concept. Sadly, it is a regret. As my collection progressed I fell out of love with it. I was never fully satisfied because I wanted more. I am pleased with my collection, but I still think about my original concept. Now I will never know.

3) Take time into consideration, then double or even triple it! You think that hem is going to "x" amount of time. Allow double that for yourself. Procrastination is never good and causes way too much stress. Some people work well under pressure, but why do that yourself if you don't have to? As a student we underestimate how long it takes to do things. Just give yourself ample time. Your work will be better in the long run.

4) Make sure you are enjoying what you are doing. If not, you will burn out and become a miserable person. Time to time stop and analyze what you are doing how you feel about it. If things are not positive, just reflect and figure out how to change something to make it better. There is a reason why you chose to whatever it is, now figure it out. Be true to yourself, and find your way. Somethings are out of your control, but how you handle those situations define you as a person. Make it count.

At the end of the day I walked away from Summer 2015 with a 6 piece collection and here are some photos highlighting that oh so sweet and crazy journey I had.

Pocketful of Posies S/S

My Pick:
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