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Day 2: The Tourist Life

Day 2 of the New York adventure was filled with tourist things, such as visiting Central Park, Shakespeare's Garden, going to the MET, overpriced lunch on Madison Ave, some serious window shopping in the richest part of Manhattan, and dinner in Hell's Kitchen.

After breakfast we made our way uptown on the subway to Central Park. Our group spent quite a bit of time in Shakespeare's Garden. The flowers were in full bloom and beautiful.


We eventually made our way to the castle which was just as interesting. Some of the group even got to witness a wedding proposal! It was very crowded, not exactly where I would want to share that special moment, but I guess being proposed to in a castle is some girl's dream. Each their own. The view from the top was great! Got to see parts of New York in a different light. Reminded me of the view from Love Circle in my very own Nashville.

After awhile in the park we finally ventured over to the MET. Our main interest was with the China: Through the Looking Glass exhibit. Obviously, because it is fashion oriented. I highly recommend going if given the opportunity. It was a lot larger than I was expecting and the craftmanship was outstanding. The detail in the garments was amazing. I could've spent the whole day in there analyzing each detail.

After the China exhibit, Chelsea and myself did some exploring throughout the rest of the MET. I was able to see some other great artists such as Edgar Degas, Van Gogh, and Monet. When I return to New York I would like to go back to see the rest of the art work in the MET. It will definitely take a large chunk of time. It is massive!

Dinner that night was at Tolache in Hell's Kitchen. The food was great and the decor was very modern. It was an intimate restaurant, but aren't those the best?! Would definitely go back there again. However, my Paloma was okay. I have for sure had better, heck I kinda want one now!

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